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Circles of HUBB

Recurring Giving at The HUBB ATC

The Circles of HUBB is The HUBB ATC's recurring donor program. Your gift will provide us with a steady base of support and help us fulfill our mission.

Image by Bailey Torres

The Circles of The HUBB comes at a critical time for The HUBB ATC

We have achieved much success with our current location and have had the ability to expand with an addition. Our growth in the number of children and families we serve, and our ever-expanding programs requires us to increase our need for dedicated professional staff. Current staff is revered and dedicated and there is a deep, commonly held understanding of the importance of building future capacity and growing financial resources so we may hire additional staff and administrators. Program enhancements cannot be made without proper staffing requirements.

Donations will help capital improvements and improve internal capacity,

while expanding programs, and administrative reserves will help our staffing needs.

To begin this important work The HUBB ATC needs to raise $250,000. We depend almost entirely on private donations, foundations, and corporate sponsorships to surround our youth and their families

with the support they need.

(pledge amounts are over a 3 year span)


$500 per year (or a minimum of $40 a month) ≈ $1,500 pledge

$1,000 per year (or a minimum of $83.33 a month) ≈ $3,000 pledge

$2,000 per year (or a minimum of $167.00 a month) ≈ $6,000 pledge


The Ubuntu Circle:

$2500 per year or (or a minimum of $200 per month) $7,500 pledge

When you donate on with this pledge you will receive a complimentary

Brick in our exclusive Ubuntu Circle!

Please join us by becoming a proud member of the Circles of

The HUBB and making a donation at any level.

The Circles of The HUBB is a group of donors who are deeply connected to the mission of The

HUBB ATC and support it with multi-year leadership gifts of $500 per year or more. The leadership,

children, and families of The HUBB ATC are deeply grateful for these most supportive donors.

Prefer to pay by mail?

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